As a conservation biologist, I recognize the importance of an informed and engaged citizenry. To that end, I consider speaking to the popular press about my research and my area of expertise to be an important part of my job. I’ve done over 200 media interviews including interviews for live and pre-recorded TV, radio, newspaper, and magazine outlets. My research has been covered in Nature, Science, National Geographic, National Public Radio, and the Associated Press, as well as local newspapers wherever I’ve lived. I’ve also written popular press articles myself about my area of expertise, and I have bylines with the Washington Post, Scientific American, American Scientist, Slate, Gizmodo, and more. I’ve also been profiled by several local and national media outlets.
Journalists: yes, I’m available to answer your questions about sharks! Please e-mail me with “media request” in the subject line and I’ll get back to you within one business day.
Selected profiles of me, my research, and my outreach
Vancouver Sun: SFU researcher attacks Shark Week for lack of conservation message.
Lab Manager Magazine: Embracing social media for collaboration and outreach
Grist: Leave the shark wrangling to the pros
Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh: Former Pittsburgher sinks his teeth into Discovery’s Shark Week
Scuttlefish: David and Goliath – One Man’s Quest to End Myth Mongering at the Discovery Channel
College of Charleston Magazine: The Man, the Myth, the Shark
Duke Today: David Shiffman is on a mission to change your mind about sharks
Duke Magazine: Alum David Shiffman swims with the Sharks (Video here)
College of Charleston magazine: College shark researcher recommends SharkNado over Shark Week
Tampa Bay Times: Shark Week’s biggest critic is sharpening his twitter harpoon
Pacific Standard: A shark scientist bites back
io9: 8 antidotes to Shark Week
WIRED: How to explore the ocean’s depths without leaving your desk
Selected interviews in the popular press
CBC Radio Quirks and Quarks: Scientists want a ‘fin-ale’ to Shark Week shows that hurt sharks
Outside: What shark experts really think about Shark Week.
Palm Beach Post: Should Florida ban beach-based fishing?
Speak Up For Blue Podcast: Florida Land-Based Shark Fishing Policy Changes
NPR: Shark fin trade faces troubled waters as global pressure mounts
New Scientist: Banning shark fin soup in the US is bad for shark conservation.
Associated Press: Shark fin bans might not help sharks, scientists say
Earth Touch News: A US ban on shark fins is a bad idea, researchers say
Saving Seafood: Shark fin ban is misguided, would undermine sustainable fisheries, researchers say.
NRDC OnEarth: It can’t be legal to drag or shoot a shark, can it?
Nature: Angler’s online boasts reveal illegal shark hunting
Miami Herald: Shark-dragging video reflects the rise of Florida’s “jackass” anglers.
National Geographic: Shark-Fishing Forum Reveals Destructive Practices Despite Good Intentions
Revelator: Florida Anglers are Targeting Endangered Sharks
Hakai Magazine: For sharks, even catch and release can kill
Scientific American: Harvesting sharks could be the key to saving them
Conservation magazine: does banning all shark fishing do more harm than good?
TakePart: Shark scientists agree: shark fishing is ok (sometimes).
Hakai magazine: nine out of ten shark scientists agree: sustainable shark fishing is fine
Discover Magazine: scientists exonerate cownose rays after nine years
Nature Jobs: Networking-Hello, Stranger
Washington Post: Curbing the shark fin trade is laudable, but it’s not enough to save the species
Washington Post: Scientists commiserate over the worst animal names
Mother Nature Network: 21 of the best #StupidCommonNames for wildlife
Daily Dot: Biologists join hilarious Twitter rant about nonsensical common animal names
CNET: Twitter hashtag of the week: Biologists snort at stupid animal names
The New Tropic: University of Miami scientist dispels myths about sharks
Washington Post: Will Discovery Channel’s Shark Week continue to swim in strange waters?
Esquire Magazine: Eli Roth wants to change the way you see sharks
Washingtonian: The reasons why scientists get angry at Shark Week
Newsweek: You’re 100% wrong about Shark Week
On Earth Magazine: There are other sharks in the sea
Washingtonian: The Ridiculous, Bloody, Scientifically Questionable History of Shark Week
Boston Magazine: It’s time for Shark Week to redeem itself
Naples Daily News: Shark Week returns to give new perspectives
Discovery News: What are experts saying about North Carolina shark bites?
Earth Touch: Endangered Hammerhead with 34 pups caught in Florida
Motherboard: A town wants to kill sharks after shark attacks. Here’s why it won’t work.
CBS News: How to survive if you encounter a shark
Washington Post: North Carolina monitors the beachfront after a surprising jump in shark attacks
Miami Herald: Miami Underwater Festival at Frost Museum of Science makes a splash
Discover Magazine: Hey everyone: stop responding to shark bites by killing sharks
Philadelphia Magazine: Dolphin, half eaten by shark: why you shouldn’t be concerned
Discovery News: Is it fair to call them “shark attacks?”
Gizmodo: Top predators may be the most important animals on Earth
Popular Science: Do sharks make good dancers?
Washington Post: The rock star female scientist who put shark research on the map
ScienceInsider: Scientists want end to traditional trophy fishing for threatened species
Fish Sense magazine: Record keeping for trophy fish is bad for threatened species
Fusion: The complicated relationship between shark conservationists and Shark Week
National Public Radio’s “On the Media”: Tweeting Shark Week
Discover Magazine: Expert amateurs: local dive guides report sharks for citizen science.
Business Insider: A rare megamouth shark captured off Japan is only the 58th ever seen.
Miami Herald:Hammerhead shark caught from pier raises debate over ethical catches
South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Videos of shark catches popular, but is act legal?
Miami New
Times: Record-Breaking Hammerhead Catches Deadly, Possibly Illegal, Says
Marine Biologist
BBC (radio): Rare pink goblin shark caught by fisherman
Chronicle: Scientists amazed by accidental Gulf catch of second-ever goblin
International Business Times: Goblin shark facts as second ever specimen found in Gulf of Mexico
The Independent: Gruesome giant goblin shark caught off coast of Florida
Nature: Social media for science outreach
Yahoo News: Sharks do get cancer: tumor found in great white.
PBS NOVA: Why you won’t be attacked by a shark
National Geographic News: The real megalodon: prehistoric shark behind doc uproar
Live Science: Weird facts you didn’t know about sharks
Smithsonian SmartNews: How to survive the shark attack that is never going to happen to you
Wired: It’s time for Shark Week to get bigger- and less bloodthirsty
Time: Discovery Channel provokes outrage with fake Shark Week documentary
International Digital Times: Shark Week 2013 fake megalodon documentary breeds confusion, anger
CNN: Scientist slams Discovery’s Shark Week fake documentary
Christian Science Monitor: More species of sharks, rays to get protection
BBC (video): Scientists tag Florida sharks to monitor behaviour
BBC Mundo (Spanish): En el Caribe, los tiburones nadan con GPS (in the Caribbean, sharks swim with GPS). Text. Video.
Scientific American: Online Chat on Shark Biodiversity and Conservation
NBC 6 Miami: U of Miami students search for sharks! (Video)
Huffington Post: Venezuela shark finning ban announced as country established sanctuary
io9: Sharks evolved to save the world (video interview)
Dr. Kiki’s Science Hour: Shark Bites (video interview)
Charlotte Observer: He’s all grown up and he still likes sharks.
Selected writings for the public in the popular press
Washington Post: Shark scientists explain what’s right and what’s wrong with Shark Week
Revelator News (Op-ed): Florida’s chance to protect threatened sharks
Earther: The Democrat Who Flipped a Republican Stronghold by Running on Climate Change
Alert Diver magazine: Fishing for a solution: sustainable shark fishing and ocean optimism
Washington Post: 298 Bears killed in Florida hunt that ‘ignored science’
Washington Post: Freshwater sharks rediscovered in Papua New Guinea
Hakai Magazine: How Shark Week can save its image
Vox: Shark Week is upon us. Here’s why I love and hate it
Scientific American: New Shark Week film shows the rarely seen sharks of Cuba
Gizmodo: 40 years of bad science: how Jaws got everything wrong about sharks
Hakai Magazine: The scientific afterlife of sharks
Daily Beast: Shark Week is lying to you
Earth Touch News: Shark Week’s ‘zombie sharks’ harasses animals
IO9: Shark week lied to scientists to get them to appear in documentaries
New Scientist: Shark Week, ditch Hitler and fiction posing as fact
Mental Floss: 11 amazing sharks you should get to know better
Slate: What you really see in a wildlife documentary
Slate: Swimming with sharks: Was Diana Nyad really at risk of being bitten during her historic swim?
Slate: Stephen Colbert is the best source of science on TV
Slate: Do dolphins ever save humans from sharks?
Slate: SeaWorld exaggerated its research record
Slate: Sawfish are some of the world’s weirdest and most endangered fish
Slate: Rosie O’Donnell, new co-host of the View, killed an endangered hammerhead shark
Scientific American: Long term sperm: Shark gives birth 4 years after contact with male
Scientific American: Trade in shark fins takes a plunge
Scientific American: Could an animal’s name save it from extinction?
Scientific American: The surprising beauty and biodiversity of freshwater fauna
Scientific American: predatory fish have declined by two thirds in the 20th century
Scientific American: Wildlife at Belize resort pushed by Travolta could have trouble stayin’ alive
Scientific American: Have we saved the sharks?
Scientific American: Cull Kill Includes Small Tiger Sharks along with Intended Victims
American: Shark Riders Pose Threat to Conservation Gains Made with Diving
American: Tiger Shark Shot and Dumped at Sea as Cull Begins in Western
Scientific American: Shark Species Thought to Be Extinct Found in Fish Market
Sport Diver Magazine “Shark of the Month” series: Great White Shark, Oceanic Whitetip Shark, Horn Shark, Thresher Shark
Wired: The best and worst of Shark Week 2013
Zocalo Public Square: How I learned to live with Shark Week