Thanks for attending one of my seminars! As promised, here are links to learn more about the information I presented.
SEMINAR TOPIC: Recreational shark fishing in Florida: an interdisciplinary analysis of an emerging conservation issue
My papers:
Shiffman et al. 2017 Fishing practices and representations of shark conservation issues among users of a land-based shark angling online forum.
Shiffman and Hammerschlag 2014 An Assessment of the Scale, Practices, and Conservation Implications of Florida’s Charter Boat–Based Recreational Shark Fishery
Gallagher, Hammerschlag, Shiffman and Giery 2014 Evolved for extinction: the cost and conservation implications of extreme specialization in hammerhead sharks
Shiffman et al. 2014 Trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction
Scientific papers cited within:
Dulvy et al. 2014 Extinction risk and conservation of the world’s sharks and rays
Simpfendorfer et al. 2011 The importance of research and public opinion to the conservation and management of sharks
Cooke and Cowx 2004 The role of recreational fishing in global fish crises
Lewin et al. 2006 Documented biological impacts of recreational fishing
Coleman et al. 2004 The imapct of US recreational fishing on marine fish populations
Fisher and Ditton 1993 A social and economic characterization of the US recreational shark fishery
Palumbi 2004 Fisheries Science: why mothers matter
Simpfendorfer and Dulvy 2017 Bright spots of sustainable shark fishing.
Global supply chain for shark products: UN FAO report (and a blog post I wrote summarizing the key conclusions)
Blog posts
More large sharks were killed by recreational anglers than commercial fishermen last year
Its illegal for anglers to land hammerheads in Florida
Many scientists, conservationists, and fishermen support our trophy fishing recommendations
SEMINAR TOPIC: The role of modern communications technology in ocean science and conservation
My papers:
Shiffman, D.S (2012). Twitter as a tool for conservation outreach and education: what scientific conferences can do to promote live-tweeting. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. (Link)
Darling E, Shiffman D, Drew J, and Cote Isabelle (2013) The role of twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 6, 32-43. (Link)
ECM Parsons, DS Shiffman, ES Darling, N Spillman, and AJ Wright. (2014) How Twitter Literacy Can Benefit Conservation Scientists. Conservation Biology. (LINK)
Collins, K., Shiffman, DS, and Rock, J. (2016). How are scientists using social media in the workplace? PLOS ONE. (LINK:)
Pew Internet and
Society 2016 report
SFU IDEAS 2018: Mismatches between consumer sustainable seafood guides: A possible contributor to public misunderstanding about the sustainability of shark fisheries?
My papers:
Shiffman, DS and Hammerschlag, N. (2016). Shark conservation and management policy: a review and primer for non-specialists. Animal Conservation (Link: Shiffman and Hammerschlag Animal Conservation)
Shiffman, DS and Hammerschlag, N. (2016). Preferred conservation policies of shark researchers. Conservation Biology. (Shiffman_et_al-Conservation_Biology
Shiffman, DS, and Hueter, R. (2017). A United States shark fin ban would undermine sustainable shark fisheries. Marine Policy. (Read it online here: Shiffman Hueter Fin Ban )
Other papers:
Simpfendorfer, C. and Dulvy, N. (2017). “Bright Spots of Sustainable Shark Fishing.” . Current Biology
Roheim, C. A. (2009). An evaluation of sustainable seafood guides: implications for environmental groups and the seafood industry. Marine Resource Economics.
Sustainable seafood guides:
Global seafood ratings alliance
Australian Marine Conservation Society Seafood Guide sharks
Other Links
Scientists Report on Mako Shark Overfishing, Advise North Atlantic Ban
I Want To Eat Fish Responsibly. But The Seafood Guides Are So Confusing!