David Shiffman Scientific and Environmental Consulting, INC. is here to help! I provide scientific, policy, and communications services for the ocean conservation community, and have worked with clients including NOAA, BOEM, UNFAO Fisheries, the Ocean Conservancy, the Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition, and the IUCN Red List Species Survival Commission.

Services I offer include:

Professional development training for your department, lab, or other team of scientists and managers! These can be given remotely!
Available topics include:

-Principles of public science engagement and science outreach, including how to identify your audiences of interest and craft your message for different audiences.

-How to use social media for #SciComm/ public science engagement, including how to get set up on and use the most common features of basic social media tools.

-How to write about science for non-expert audiences

-Media training/how to speak to journalists about your research

-Basic graduate student professional development (how to write and publish a scientific paper, how to effectively peer review a paper, tips for effective grant-writing, etc).

Virtual seminar series! Just because we can’t all get together doesn’t mean we have to stop learning cutting-edge science and offering professionally-important speaking opportunities to early career researchers! I can help you set up and/or manage a virtual seminar series for your department, agency, or non-profit.

Preparing scientific briefing documents, white papers, or policy briefs for your team! Get a crash course in the key principles, new discoveries, and policy implications of any environmental issue!

Communications strategy for a new paper, report, or campaign. Make sure your information and your experts reach the biggest audience possible and make sure the message is crafted properly! I can help with overall strategy, press releases, op-eds, how to find appropriate journalists, etc.

Experimental design, project planning, statistical analysis, and scientific writeup! Make sure your new scientific research project is set up to succeed, or turn a completed project into a peer-reviewed scientific paper!

Stakeholder surveys. I can help you to set up or carry out surveys of stakeholders involved in your environmental issue!

And much more! Do you have something you think I could help you with? Let’s chat?

Contact me at David.Shiffman @ gmail, subject line “Consulting”